Fully-Faltoo blog by Pratyush

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9th April 2021

How to Make Your Friendships Deeper - The Atlantic

A beautiful essay on the idea of friendship. How many friends do we have with whom we can "hang-out" with?

The average adult has roughly 16 people they would classify as friends. Of these, about three are “friends for life,” and five are people they really like. The other eight are not people they would hang out with one-on-one.

These other 8 are "deal-friends". Friends with whom we have kind of professional relationship.

You don’t need to have dozens of friends to be happy, and, in fact, people tend to get more selective about their friends as they age. But the number needs to be more than zero, and more than just your spouse or partner.

The essay also provides ways to ways to find friends who are not for any purpose. Friends who friends just because we care for each other.

It simply requires showing up in places that are unrelated to your worldly ambitions. Whether it is a house of worship, a bowling league, or a charitable cause unrelated to your work, these are the places where you meet people who might be capable of sharing your loves, but without advancing your career. When you meet someone you like, don’t overthink it: Invite them over.

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