Fully-Faltoo blog by Pratyush

Bio Twitter Screener

14th Sept. 2024

Neovim Workshop

Flyer for my Neovim Workshop
Last week, I did a workshop on Neovim.

I haven't seen any technical workshops in Lucknow before. I thought of starting one.

I created a standee and placed it right outside the TCS gate.
Standee for Workshop
I didn't expect too many registrations because of the niche topic. I wanted to attract only the nerds-and-geeks for the first event.

I used HasGeek for registrations. HasGeek has pretty good event organisation system:
  • HasGeek is free.
  • It automatically sends the reminders for the events.
  • It allows us to broadcast messages before and after the event. This is …

11th Sept. 2024

Domain Names Migration to Porkbun

Last week, I transferred my domains from Squarespace to PorkBun. All 12 of them!
CleanShot 2024-09-11 at 12.54.28@2x_3c1785c6524475fefb3275b179378d737758fb5b37a3d38f28fe94093fd49ced.png
Porkbun's Domain Dashboard

Squarespace Billing Nuisance

I was frustrated with the billing page on Squarespace. Their auto-payments didn't work. This was a major risk as I could lose my domains. Part of it was because of RBI regulation in India. But more frustrating part was jumping between the pages finding the "retry" link.

Squarespace doesn't have a single billing page for all your domains. They have a weird concept of "independent billing subscriptions". Each domain has a separate portal for payment. There is no …

7th Sept. 2024

Remember Github login in CLI

I changed my laptop recently. I was unable access GitHub from command line after that.

I was getting this error.
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see https://docs.github.com/get-started/getting-started-with-git/about-remote-repositories#cloning-with-https-urls for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed


The fix is to install git-credential-manager. This is mentioned by Github but very poorly.

Once the manager is installed, git push works like ever before. We don't need to create new tokens after every few months.

9th March 2024

Implementing OKRs

We recently started using OKRs for our Screener team.

We are a team of 7.
- 4 Developers: 3 local + 1 remote (part-time)
- 3 Support: 1 local + 2 remote
Four of the team members work remotely.

Most of the tasks are picked, planned and prioritised by me. I find it hard to assign tasks, do continuous follow-ups and provide feedbacks. This is specially hard on our remote team.

This centralised thinking makes it difficult for me to distribute the work. I end up picking most of the tasks. And hence the work that gets done is not …

24th Feb. 2024

Speed Reading by Kam Knight.png
Speed Reading by Kam Knight

I saw this Tweet by Arpit Ranka. I didn't believe it.

Speed Reading sounds like a gimmick to me. I have read a speed reading book before. I have also tried various speed reading tools. They were all placebos and didn't last long.

I was so much in disbelieve that I had to ask Arpit Bhaiya in person when I met him. "Bhaiya, I was surprised to see your Tweet on Speed Reading. Does it really work? What is it about?"

He told me it is a very short and simple book. There are …

12th Feb. 2024

Trying out Neovim and Zed

I was a VS Code user for last many years. Though it "just worked", it
started getting slower. It became too magical and too bundled. It became harder to configure and customise. I had too many plugins and I didn't know what was overriding what.

This is when I read about Zed. I liked their simplicity and speed. Zed provides very limited configuration options. This makes it easy to configure and understand what's happening.

Zed introduced me to the concepts of "tree-sitter" and "LSP":
  • Tree-Sitter: is it a grammar parser. It tells what is a variable, what is …

2nd Jan. 2024

"Too many files" error in NGINX

Screener was quite a bit slow yesterday. But more importantly, once in a while we were getting a "504 bad gateway" error.

One thing I remember the most from Max Kanat-Alexander's "Understanding Software" is to never fix a problem until you can reproduce it.
Sometimes people have a very hard time debugging. Mostly these are people who believe that in order to debug a system, you have to think about it instead of looking at it.


It can be tempting to think that you already know the answer. Sometimes you can guess and you're right. It doesn't happen very …

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