Fully-Faltoo blog by Pratyush

Bio Twitter Screener

2nd July 2022

Weekly Updates - 8

This was a busy week loaded with code-reviews, designs, meetings and coffees.

Investor Presentations on Screener

We added a section for investor presentations. It was built on the similar lines as concall transcripts.

The backend was developed by Mukesh and me. The frontend was trickier due to the paucity of space.
Design versions for investor presentation feature

Fun with Aeropress

While I have been pretty happy with the cappuccinos brewed on Bialetti Mukka, I wanted to give black coffee a try. Got an Aeropress this week.

Nothing much else this week.

26th June 2022

Weekly Updates -7

Paul Graham suggests avoiding matters of money and disputes from taking up our mental bandwidth. This week had a bit of both.

B2B customers at Screener

We haven't served B2B customers on Screener because of two primary issues.
1. Data rights
2. Complexity

The raw data for personal use is costly. Data for commercial or website use is 20x costlier. And it still comes with certain restrictions. We wanted to have a clarity on these restrictions before we can serve B2B customers.

We also want to keep our team and code-size small. Adding people slows down software innovation and we …

19th June 2022

Weekly Notes - 6

We had a good family get together this week as one of my cousins entered courtship.

Progress on Concall Tools
I have been wanting to extract structured information from concall transcripts. We started by trying to extract the names of various call participants and their associated firms.
We made some progress last week. The algorithm is working pretty well with most concall transcripts now. We increased the test coverage and added 2 algorithms for extracting speakers.

Peoples module on Screener
The larger idea is to create a "people" module on Screener. A way to allow users to "follow" investors. …

5th June 2022

Weekly Notes - Concall Tools

This was a rather busy week. I was mostly catching up with the pending emails and logs.

Extracting data from Concall Transcripts
Concall Transcripts contain a wealth of information. I started working on a library to extract structured information from concall transcripts.

Initially, we are trying to understand how to proceed with PDFs. We started with a single function for extracting the names of various participants in a call. Along with the name of the firms they are associated with.

Would love to have contributions from anyone having experience or interest in this: Concall Tools on Github

[Book] Karma Yoga

28th May 2022

Week 4 - Guwahati Trip

Hey, I missed last week's update. I was travelling to Guwahati.

Spirit of Entrepreneurship in Young India - A panel discussion
I was part of a panel discussion at IIT Guwahati. The purpose was to encourage today's youth toward entrepreneurship. I enjoyed the conversations with other panellists and moderator Jay.
Wifey, daughter, me, Jay and Jay's Father at Guwahati Biotech Park

Fun at Pobitora, Baithalongso and Guwahati
After the session, we went off to Pobitora to see some Rhinos.
Watching Rhinos on an Elephant Safari
Daughter after ducks
From Pobitora, we moved to Baithalongo. We booked an AirBnB. …

14th May 2022

Week 3

It was largely a bug-fixing week. Not the best of the weeks.

What's brewing

Got a new coffee-making machine: Mukka Express
My brother and I are coffee addicts. Not the "black-coffee" kind, but the "instant coffee" ones who can't work without it.

We have been wanting to get a coffee machine for our office. I researched and came across Bialetti. Their Moka Pot is a traditional kitchen piece of Italy found in every house. But it makes only Espresso - a coffee without milk.

Bialetti also has a Mukka Express. Like Moka Pot, this too works with stove and …

7th May 2022

Weekly Notes - 2

This was a little hobby-works week. I got to play on some new toy projects.

Major Developments

Created a custom Django starter template.
Deploying and setting up a new Django project takes 3-4 days. Most of the time I am copying my setup and deployment scripts from other projects. This starter template reduces the setup time to 10 minutes.
It mainly splits up the setting and requirements files for different environments, sets-up pre-commit hooks, has a deployment script for Uberspace and set-ups 12-factor authentication (using Django-environ).

Started another toy project: get-things-done.com.
Last week I started reading David Allen's …

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